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“Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law.”–The Kybalion.

All improvement require efforts knowledge and study, without which you will be a failure no matter what you think, you cannot get results in any occupation or profession unless you know what its underlined science consist of.

One of the great reasons for so many failures is the habit that individuals have of always changing the one thing to another, or of one way of doing a thing to another.

It is possible for us to help ourselves if we can stick with a program long enough to give it a chance to work, use techniques like self-monitoring to record progress and self-reward to motivate ourselves, or use a wide variation of tactics based on the standards of one Law; therefore you must be committed enough to apply the principles of mental science without being overcome by the demands of yet another "system" or pressure in life.

Therefore, you must always: read, study, meditate, and strategically practice. The word strategic indicates "that which counts most" Quite simply, when you pray strategically, you don't get involved in non-essentials. A far more expanded meaning for strategic is "absolutely essential to the fulfilling of a plan."

Say: The Truth of the Law of God frees me from every thought of evil, sin, need, or disease.

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